Monday, 2 May 2016

Learning Basic Photoshop FIRST TIME Chapter 9 part 2

Chapter 9: Editing Images
• Using the Painting and Drawing Tools
• Brushes
• Gradient Editor
• Typographic Terminology

Eraser Tool  The Eraser Tool  works similarly to Photoshop ’s other painting Tools except rather than add color or restore History State s you remove image data.  Like the other painting Tools, you select brush size and shape and options from theOptions  Bar.

Eraser Tool  OptionsOptions  include Erasing Mode , Opacity , Fade, and Wet Edges.
Eraser Options

Erasing ModeSelect from PaintbrushAirbrush, Pencil, or Block to determine how the Eraser Tool  behaves.  Block produces a square block.

Wet EdgesChecking Wet Edges produces an effect similar to pouring water on a freshly painted paper and using your fingers or a brush to wash away the paint.

Erase to HistoryToggle a State or Snapshot  in the History Palette  and{Click} on the Erase to History checkbox if you want to erase to an earlier incarnation of your current image.

Background Eraser Tool  The Background Eraser Tool  intelligently erases areas of color to transparency, most particularly areas of continuous or similar color.  By {Clicking} and dragging close to an edge the Background Eraser will erase the background but not the edge.

Background Eraser Options Options  include Range (Discontiguous, Contiguous, Find Edges), Tolerance, Sampling (Continuous, Once, Background Swatch), and Protect Foreground Color.
Background Eraser Options

LimitsSelect Discontiguous to erase the selected color from the entire Layer.
Select Contiguous to erase the selected color in a range where the color occurs continuously.
Select Find Edges to erase areas of the same color as well as maintaining a sharper definition for the edge.

SamplingSelect Continuous to sample as you drag.
Select Once to sample and erase areas containing the initial sample color.
Select Background Swatch to erase areas containing the current Background Color .

Protect Foreground ColorCheck Protect Foreground Color to prevent the eraser from erasing colors that match the current Foreground Color.

Magic Eraser Tool  The Magic Eraser Tool  erases entire areas of color with a{Single-Click} rather than {Clicking}, holding, and dragging.  Use Tolerance, Anti-alias ed, Contiguous, andUse All Layers  accordingly.
Pencil Tool  The Pencil Tool  paints solid, hard-edged strokes.  Options  include Blend Mode , Opacity , Fade, and Auto Erase.
Shape Tools   The Shape  Tools are a new addition to the Photoshop  Toolbox  and make up a large part of its vector functionality.  We will be discussing their options and usage in a later chapter.  
The Line Tool  is not a new Tool to Photoshop .  The way that it operates, however, has been changed for this version of the program.

Line Tool  Options 
Line Tool  Options  include Blend Mode , Opacity , Weight, Anti-alias ed, Arrowheads (Start, End), and Shape .

Blur Tool  Use the Blur  Tool  to blur areas of the image by painting over them.  Select Brush Shape  and SizeBlend Mode ,Use All Layers , and Pressure accordingly.
Try using the Blur  Tool  on an element of the toys image to see the effects.
Sharpen Tool  Use the Sharpen  Tool to sharpen areas and edge of the image by painting over them.  Select Brush Shape  andSizeBlend Mode , Use All Layers , and Pressureaccordingly.
Smudge Tool  Use the Smudge Tool to smudge areas of the image by painting over them.  Select Brush Shape  and SizeBlend Mode , Use All Layers , Pressure and Finger Paintingaccordingly.  Finger Painting mixes the Foreground Colorinto the Smudge effect.

Dodge Tool  Use the Dodge Tool  to lighten areas of the image by painting over them.  Select Brush Shape  and SizeRange (Shadows, Midtones, Highlights), and Exposureaccordingly.
Burn Tool  Use the Burn Tool to darken areas of the image by painting over them.  Select Brush Shape  and SizeRange (Shadows, Midtones, Highlights), and Exposureaccordingly.
Sponge Tool  Use the Sponge  Tool to saturate or desaturate the colors you paint over.  Select Desaturate  or Saturate from theMode  drop-down menu and adjust Pressure accordingly.

GradientTool  The Gradient Tool is used to create gradient fills .  Gradients  are gradual shifts from at least one color to another or one color to transparency.  The effect is similar to the way the sky shifts from dark blue to a lighter blue as you look toward the horizon.  Gradients can also consist of multiple colors, much like a rainbow. 
Select from Linear,   Radial,    Angle,    Reflected,    and Diamond Gradient Tools  .  {Click} and drag to create the Gradient in a Layer  or Selection.
Gradient Tool Options
Options  include Gradient, Blend Mode , Opacity , Reverse, Dither, Transparency , and Edit.   A preview of the Gradient appears in the Gradient Preview bar.
Gradient Options

GradientThe Gradient drop-down has 15 Gradient combinations to select from.  Choose from any one of the 15 Thumbnails or {Click} on the Options  Triangle to edit or create your own Gradients .  {Double Click} on the drop-down to access the Gradient Editor .
The Gradient Menu
ReverseCheck Reverse to reverse the Gradient.

DitherCheck Dither to make the transition from one color to the next as smooth as possible.

TransparencyCheck Transparency  to enable any transparency settings in the Gradient patterns.  Uncheck to disable transparency.

Gradient EditorThe Gradient Editor  consists of the Gradient Preset Menu , controls to createNew Gradients , Rename Gradients, Remove Gradients, Duplicate  Gradients, Load and Save GradientsAdjust color or transparencyColor Stops to build Gradients, and the Gradient Bar.

Gradient Editor  dialog box

Creating New GradientsTo create a new Gradient {Click} New and name it in theName field.  A new Thumbnail will appear in the Gradient Preset Menu .
The Gradient Bar is automatically built with a copy of the last selected Gradient.  To change a color select one of the Color Stops situated at the bottom of the Gradient Barand {Double-Click} on it.  Select a color from the Color Picker .
To add additional Color Stops to the Gradient {Click} on an empty spot beneath the Gradient Bar.  To modify the location of Gradient colors drag the Color Stops andMidpoint Markers back and forth as you desire.  To delete a color simply select it’s Color Stop and hit the [DEL] key or drag up or down on it and it will disappear.
To add Transparency  {Click} and adjust the Stops at the top of the Gradient Bar (which displays Alpha information rather than colors) and adjust the Opacity  Slider at the bottom of the dialog box.  {Clicking} and dragging theStops and Midpoint Markers effects the placement of Transparency. 
Adjust the Smoothness Slider to increase or decrease the smoothness of your Gradient.  You can also choose aGradient Type from the Type drop-down Menu .  Smoothis the default while Noise creates a Gradient that randomly mixes the color across a selected range.  Adjust the various Sliders in the dialog box to find a noisyGradient that suits your needs.
If you wish you can use percentage figures to precisely position the Stops and the Midpoint Markers by adjusting the location sliders at the bottom of the dialog box. 
{Click} OK to finish.

Paint Bucket Tool  The Paint Bucket Tool replaces a color or range of colors with either the current Foreground Color or a pattern if you have defined one.  At this point, as you’ve been experimenting with all the Tools you should be very familiar with the Paint Bucket’s options, which includeBlend Mode , Opacity , Tolerance, Anti-alias ed, Contents (Foreground or Pattern), Use All Layers , and Contiguous.
Using the Type Tool  Use the Type Tool to create text in Photoshop .  For the Web you’ll be using type to label buttons and as elements of typographic design.  Select the Type Tool and {Click}in the Image Window .  Photoshop creates a new TextLayer  (indicated in the Layers  Palette  by a capital “T” at the edge of the Layer).  Select the Vertical Type Tool  to input vertical text.  Select the Type Mask Tool     to create a selection in the shape of the text you input.

Typographic TerminologyBefore you begin to create and manipulate text in Photoshop , you should know some of the basic typographic terminology that some of the options in Photoshop use.  Examine the following example.

TypefaceA typeface is a full set of characters (uppercase, lowercase, numerals, special characters, etc.) designed in a specific Style .  For example, the same word, presented using different 
typefaces, can look quite different:

Typeface          Typeface          Typeface   Typeface
Typefaces are also often referred to as fonts .  The look of your text is very much a key in the design of your images.

BaselineThe Baseline  in text is an imaginary line that the characters effectively sit upon.  Lower case text, such as the “p”, has a descender, which descends below the Baseline.

Kerning  is the space between a particular pair of characters.  Each typeface may have particular kerning values so that some characters are closer to each other than others, depending on their shape.  For example, the capital letters A and V, when placed together, have complimentary shapes and are often placed closer together than A and N.

TrackingTracking is the space between characters in a line of text.  The space between characters, regardless of the particular characters, is uniform when using Tracking.  It can easily be confused with Kerning .  Remember that Kerning is a very specific measurement of spacing between particular pairs of characters, whereas Tracking is the measurement of spacing between all characters.
In Photoshop  you adjust a types Style , kerning, leading, tracking, etc. by selecting options from either the Options Bar or the Character /Paragraph  Palette .   Simply highlight the text that you want to change and select an option from either the Options Bar or the Palette.

The Options  Bar

The Character Palette

FontUse the drop-down menu to select the Font  you want to use.  Photoshop  will list all the fonts  installed on your system.

Style Use the drop-down menu to select Styles  such as Bold, Italic, Underline, and Regular.  Available Styles differ depending on the font you’ve selected.  However, you can{Click} on Underline, Faux Bold, or Faux Italic to add these Styles to fonts  that do not have them.

SizeInput Font  Size to scale  your text.  Size is measured in either points or pixels.  Use pixels for web development.  If you highlight your text by {Clicking} and dragging over it, any changes you make to the font size changes the size of the font.  Alternately you can highlight your type and the font size value and use [SHIFT] Arrow-Up or Arrow-Down to increase or decrease the size value in increments of 10.

Anti-AliasSelect from None, Crisp, Strong, and Smooth to control the level of Anti-alias ing of your text.  You’ll find thatCrisp is particularly useful for small text.

The Paragraph  Palette

The Paragraph  Palette  allows you to modify Paragraph Text.  Paragraph text is that which occupies a pre-defined Paragraph Block.  To create a Paragraph Block you must {Click} and drag in the Image Window  with the Text Tool .  A Paragraph Blocklooks somewhat like a Selection Marquee  with handles to resize it along all sides and a blinking text cursor in the top right hand corner to input text.  Use the Alignment , Justification , andIndentation Controls in the Palette to modify the positioning of text in the Paragraph Block.

Text Warp   The ability to edit text has increased greatly in Photoshop  6 with the introduction of Text Warping.  Text Warpingallows the user to customize the appearance of text and still maintain the ability to edit it at all times.  Input the word “Photoshop” in your Image Window , select it, and{Click} on the Text Warp button in the Options  Bar.  A dialog box appears on your screen.  Select the type of warp that you’d like to create from the Style  drop-down menu.

The Bend, Horizontal, and Vertical sliders allow you to further customize the appearance of your text.  {Click} OK when you are happy with your settings.  If, in the future, you want to change the appearance or the wording of your text you need only select it with the Text Tool  and type.  You will still be able to edit your text as text no matter what kind of warp you have applied to it.  Below you will find some examples of what Text Warping can do.


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